Friday 13 July 2012


It is almost an article of faith for many people that large corporations and/or the government have actively suppressed many new technologies that could have improved life for all of us, even going so far as to railroad inventors into prison, or murder them. They allegedly do this to prevent competition or to avoid anything that might, both literally and figuratively, empower the people. For example, if the average citizen had a "free energy" device powering his home and one for his car, he would be more independent of the government and the big companies. There is no smoking gun that absolutely proves such suppression, but there is a pattern of evidence pointing in that direction. At the very least, the elites have clearly ignored and failed to fund some promising ideas, and, at the very least, they have been guilty of narrow-mindedness.

The last few decades have seen rapid progress in electronics, including computers and industrial robots, but, while we all enjoy improved televisions and internet access (it has made this article possible), you can't eat a computer or heat your home with the internet, and the robots have cost many people their jobs. What we all really need are improved energy technologies to improve our economy and environment, and improved medical technologies for better health and longevity. Yet it is in these two areas, despite Richard Nixon's still ongoing "war on cancer" and government promises of a better energy policy, that progress has lagged. And it is in these two areas that we see the most evidence of suppressed or, at least, ignored technologies. 

People all over the world have long believed in a mysterious universal energy, a moving force, that transcends ordinary reality, and actually creates and sustains the physical universe. It has been called mana, prana, ki, chi, vril, etheric energy, odic force, and orgone. Note that this mysterious force sounds remarkably similar to the luminiferous ether postulated by nineteenth century physicists and supposedly disproven by the famous Michelson/Morley experiment. As I have pointed out in another article, there are reasons to doubt the accuracy of the test they performed. Also, note that modern quantum mechanics postulates the existence of "virtual particles" that pop in and out of existence and fill all space. A few physicists have even suggested that it might be possible to draw energy from this sea of virtual particles...which bear a suspicious resemblance to the supposedly discredited ether. Yet, all along, inventors have claimed to draw upon some mysterious free energy, and some have suggested that this energy is also responsible for the force we call gravity.

For those who believe technologies have been suppressed, the late Nikola Tesla has acquired cult status. Although born in Croatia 6/28/1856, he was a Serb. He attended the Technical University at Graz, Austria and the University of Prague where he studied physics and mathematics. He worked for Con Ed in Paris, and then, in 1884, he came to the US where he worked directly for Edison. The two men had a very different approach to invention, and Tesla famously advocated alternating current, which can be stepped up in voltage with transformers for more efficient long distance transmission. Edison reportedly cheated him of a promised payment, and Tesla struck out on his own, with funding from George Westinghouse, and later from the notorious JP Morgan. He died in poverty.

Besides developing the use of alternating current, he made more efficient generators and was able to make use of a rotating magnetic field. He held some 700 patents, and invented the induction motor, improved transformers, an efficient bladeless turbine, the Tesla coil that is still used in automobile ignition systems, and precursors to neon and fluorescent lights. He did early experimentation in radio, although Marconi, usually considered the inventor of radio, sent and received signals as early as 1895.

It was some of his stranger experiments and pronouncements that have inspired the modern legends about him. He once mused that an energy filled all space (see above) and wondered whether this energy was static or kinetic, and suggested that, if kinetic, it might be harnessed. In Colorado Springs he constructed a laboratory and created long bolts of artificial lightning, and his experiments there reportedly caused all sorts of electrical effects up to several miles from his facility. On Long Island he built his famous Wardenclyffe tower for sending and receiving radio messages. He supposedly built a machine that created a slight earthquake in New York City, and claimed to be able to transmit electrical energy through the Earth itself, to any distance with no diminuition of power, and hinted that he was even harnessing some mysterious energy. He suggested using radio beams to detect aircraft and ships, the concept that others would later develop into radar. He claimed to have invented a death ray.

His modern followers believe that these inventions, including "free" energy, actually worked, and were suppressed by the villainous Morgan; of the financier's evil nature, at least, there is no doubt. Some have even suggested that Tesla accidentally caused the mysterious Tunguska (in Siberia) explosion of 1908, but this is unlikely; almost certainly the blast was caused by the explosion in mid air of a cometary fragment.

Better documented is the propulsion technology of electrogravitics, developed primarily in the first half of the twentieth century by the American inventor Townsend Brown. Brown discovered that capacitors with certain shapes produced a thrust from the negative toward the positive plate that could lift the entire apparatus. What is uncertain is whether or not this is due to something like gravity control or merely a jet effect from the ion wind that the apparatus produces. Having repeatedly witnessed and examined one of these devices, I can say with some certainty that the ion wind was a barely perceptible breeze most unlikely to provide enough force to lift anything. Yet only thorough testing will settle the matter...will it fly in a vacuum chamber? Claims and counterclaims have been made. As an aside, it appears possible that the device may be tapping into some source of "free" energy, with the energy used to charge it up merely, in a sense, priming the pump or holding the switch open for the free energy. The US Air Force expressed interest in electrogravitics almost two generations ago; either it doesn't work as hoped or they are attempting to suppress it. Any number of people have obtained the patents and built these devices in recent years, so the suppression, if that's what it is, has been only partially successful.

Also in another article I discussed so called "cold fusion," demonstrated in 1989 by Fleischmann and Pons, two chemists in Utah, and since verified by numerous other researchers. The lying mainstream media have claimed that it was a failure or even a hoax, and debunkers have pointed to the supposed absence of neutrons, supposedly proving that fusion could not have taken place. But some researchers have detected neutrons, and this whole argument misses the point. The object is not to produce neutrons, which cause more problems than they solve, but to produce clean, safe, cheap, and abundant energy. It is possible that the energy produced is not caused by fusion at all; any fusion that occurs may be only a byproduct, and the inventors may have stumbled on a way to tap the "virtual" energy. Given that the net energy production is proven beyond doubt, and given that the original apparatus was remarkably cheap to build, it seems fairly likely that it could have been developed into an economical source of energy. The fact that it has not really been developed in almost twenty years is positively criminal, given our current dependence on Arab oil and our increasing economic difficulties. Currently, government laboratories are "studying" the technology, which, given their past performance, means that almost certainly they will waste hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to bury it. This whole sorry affair comes closer than anything else to proving that the elites have deliberatly cheated us of the benefits of a new invention.

Not only energy production, but energy storage and more efficient transmission are vital. If we could transmit electricity for great distances with virtually no loss, wind power, for example, might become practical; if the wind isn't blowing in one location it is usually blowing somewhere else. The main drawback to electric cars is the weight and expense of conventional batteries, and the fact that they take so long to charge. Some twenty or so years ago I read in a popular science magazine of a team of engineers who were developing an ultra high speed flywheel that could be charged in minutes (it functions as an electric motor when you put power into it, and as a generator when you make a withdrawal), could propel an electric car for at least three hundred miles at normal highway speeds, and, if left unattended, would not run down for a year or so. They were quite optimistic about it soon being mass produced. Yet, decades later, FES (flywheel energy storage) is still being "studied." The devices, due to the stresses caused by their high angular momentum, are made of carbon fiber composites and rest on low-friction magnetic bearings in containers with all the air pumped out to further reduce energy loss due to friction. They reportedly have a ninety percent in-out efficiency and can store 500,000 joules of energy per kilogram. Even if the original developers were exaggerating its early potential to attract investors the potential is nonetheless real, and after some two decades, it should be in widespread use. But flywheel electric cars are nowhere to be seen. Something is very wrong here.

Numerous other inventors have claimed to have developed "free" or "virtual" energy. Dr. Brian O'Leary, a former astronaut, takes many of these claims very seriously.In the early twentieth century, a man named Henry Moray claimed to have found a way to tap into a limitless "sea of energy." Almost identical claims have been made by one Moray King, and by an inventor named Tom Bearden, who claims to have developed a "motionless electromagnetic generator," or "MEG." Bearden claims that it can produce over one hundred times the energy put into it. Ed Gray claimed to have discovered something he called "cold electricity" allowing him to develop a battery that would stay charged forever. Joe Newman allegedly developed a free energy machine, and the Canadian John Hutchinson. Yule Brown claimed to power cars with "Brown's gas," a highly explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen produced by the electrolysis of water. Normally, such electrolysis requires more energy than is gained back by burning the hydrogen...unless there is some peculiarity of the water molecule (and it is peculiar, in more ways than one) allowing virtual energy to be tapped during the process of electrolysis. Aside from the claims of some of these inventors, there is no evidence for this, but, as they say, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Dr. Eugene Mallove researched orgone energy and cold fusion, and was beaten to death, allegedly during a robbery...or was it? Or was he murdered to shut him up? Again, there is no evidence for this.

In medicine, the same mysterious orgone or prana energy pops up again. Early in the twentieth century a German, Gustav von Pohl, claimed that his research showed that a mysterious earth energy caused increased cancer rates in certain locations; this clustering of cancers is a very real, and very mysterious, phenomenon. This energy sounds suspiciously like a negative form of prana or chi. Similar results were claimed by Swiss and French researchers.

Wilhelm Reich, another cult figure, believed in the orgone energy and claimed to have devised "orgone accumulators" that could, among other things, cure cancer. Reich believed that many cancers were caused by extremely tiny microorganisms, what today we would call viruses or nanobacteria. We will see that this same claim was made by other researchers. Reich was convicted by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of fraud, and died in prison. Many of his papers were burned by the government. Was he guilty of fraud, or was he railroaded into prison and possibly murdered there ? Again, there is no proof either way, but remember that this same FDA, in 2008, was "unable" for months to determine the source of food poisoning that sickened thousands and killed several Americans. They do not have a reputation that inspires trust.

The American Royal Rife (5/16/1888-8/5/1971) invented something he called the Universal Microscope, with which he claimed to be able to see viruses. Supposedly, no optical microscope can do this because the typical virus is smaller than the wavelength of visible light. But perhaps he was really seeing nanobacteria. He believed that microorganisms can be made to fluoresce if struck by the right wavelength of light, and that this frequency, at which they resonate, can selectively destroy them without harming adjacent healthy tissues.

His results were supposedly duplicated by the Frenchman Gaston Naessens. What is fascinating about this is that many people since have made somewhat similar claims about the healing properties of various colors, or wavelengths, of light. And "Scientific American" magazine in May of 2003 reported that red light speeds the healing of wounds, and researchers at Arizona State University in 2008 vibrated viruses to death with resonant laser frequencies. This sounds like pretty clear confirmation of at least some of Rife's claims, and, in the nineteen seventies, Drs. Virginia Livingstone and Eleanor Jackson, also claimed to have discovered cancer-causing nano bacteria. Rife's supporters today market various forms of his machines and claim that he was hounded by the government and that his equipment and notes were destroyed. He died due to being given an overdose of medicine while being treated for alcoholism in a hospital...murder or unfortunate accident?

Some two decades or so ago, mainstream medical researchers claimed that some forms of cancer and some viral infections could be cured simply by heat, without the horrendous side effects of chemotherapy. The patient could be immersed for prolonged periods in a hot bath (subject to careful monitoring), and it is also possible to heat specific areas within the body with heated probes, or, possibly, intersecting microwave beams. Yet the research was never really followed up on, save for a continuing small scale study by the Mayo Clinic.

Equally promising is whole body, low dosage gamma or x ray treatment. We have all been taught to fear any ionizing radiation at all, but, in fact, there is a convincing body of evidence indicating that low dosages may be beneficial. For example, people living at higher altitudes absorb more cosmic radiation that those near sea level, but, on average, are healthier and live longer. Dr. Myron Pollycove at Harvard Medical School successfully treated cancer patients with low dosage radiation (not to be confused with high dosage localized tumor treatment) from 1976 through 1997, as did Dr. James H. Welch at John Hopkins University, and, in 1997, Dr. Kenkichi Sakamoto at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan. Why has more research not been done in this area? Why has no one tried combining heat and radiation, and perhaps vitamin or other micronutrient therapy at the same time? How many people have to suffer both from cancer and from chemotherapy and then die anyway? Is all of this due to a lack of vision or to the greed of the pharmaceutical companies?

There certainly is a lack of vision. The current paradigm insists that cancer is caused by gene mutation, and the true believers are not at all deterred by forty years of failure. The National Institute of Health (NIH) only gives research grants to researchers who stay on the mutation plantation. Yet there is a competing theory. After mitosis (cell division) sometimes one daughter cell gets too many chromosomes and the other gets too few. This is called aneuploidy...and all cancer cells are aneuploid, usually having too many chromosomes (normal human cells have forty six).

Then there is chelation therapy. Swiss Doctors W. Blumer and T. Reich suspected that some cancers were caused by heavy metals, free radicals, and oxidized fats. They had good results removing these from patients' bodies with chelation therapy, as did US researchers Dr. Bruce Halstead and Dr. H.B. Demopoulos, and Dr. Ross Gordon, former president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM). Chelation (the most common chelating agent is EDTA, or edetic acid) also seems effective in the treatment of arteriosclerosis. But when Dr. H.R. Evers gave his patients chelation treatment in Alabama, the FDA (remember them?) took him to court to stop him...and they lost.

There are other promising non-traditional approaches to medicine, including vitamin therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen for strokes. But the US government is planning to follow the lead of the European Union's Codex Alimentarius, which would ban virtually all over the counter supplements, leaving us peasants to the not-so-tender mercies of the FDA and the big pharmaceutical companies. So we may not have real proof of suppressed technologies, but we do have a suspicious overall pattern...and everything is in the patterns.

Courtesy: William B. Stoecker

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